Sunday, July 1, 2012

Enhance Your Gaming Experience for a Low Cost

The number of Xbox 360 gamers has increased drastically with the increasing popularity of the console. The numerous differences between the older and heavier console and the newer Xbox 360 have resulted in sort of a cult following for the latter. Gamers are constantly looking for tweaks and gadgets to increase their gaming experiences with the Xbox 360.

One of the best things to provide you with this experience requires you to buy Xbox 360 modded controllers which can be used with most first person shooters and some other genres. Not only do they make it easy for you to dominate during multiplayer challenges, but also they can be used for changing the boring controllers to aesthetically pleasing ones with a custom mod.

Rapid Fire mod

For first person shooters, it may be hard to face a battalion of enemies without the proper mods. There are cheap modded Xbox 360 controllers that let the player fire weapons at a more rapid pace than normal weapons. Typically, every weapon in the game is converted into semi-automatic weapons that have a higher firing rate. Call of Duty series, Halo series or any other FPS game is best played when you buy Xbox 360 modded controllers.

The Tilt mod

Some cheap modded Xbox 360 controllers can also come with a tilt mod that enhances the movement and tilt sensing capacity of the controller. For racing or tricking games, this can be used to perform neat tricks by just tilting the controller. Need for Speed, Blur and Skate are examples of some games that are compatible with this modded controller. These can cater to individual requirements therefore allowing the user to change the degree of sensitivity of the controller. Further the capacity to immediately switch between the tilt and stick controls increase the flexibility of the controller.

More customization

Cheap modded Xbox 360 controllersallow the player to change the way the controller looks and even change the functions of individual buttons and triggers. They can even be made conducive to suit your mode of play so that you can afford to play for longer hours without your fingers hurting too much. At you can even buy Xbox 360 modded controllers that even have LED lights to illuminate the controller buttons and have the color of the casing changed to your favorite color.

EinsteinModz controllers are completely customizable with different XBox 360 Modz and PS3 Modz and aesthetically kick ass to boot!

Eric Bernard is the manager of who promotes its products throughout Australia. You can find a large range and variety of cheap modded Xbox 360 controllers and you can buy Xbox 360 modded controllers at his website -->

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