Does the new Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 have its sights set on DICE's highly anticipated Battlefield 3 that is set to come out around the same time? The real question is, why wouldn't it? Battlefield 3 stands to be the toughest opponent in the FPS ring for the fall of 2011 and Activision knows it. When it comes to vehicle combat on the PC it is hard to compete with a good Battlefield game. Many have tried and some have come close, but most fail. Is MW3 trying to play ball in Battlefield's court or are all of the vehicles in the new trailer just for show?
While watching the new COD MW3 trailer it is hard to not notice all the attention that is given to the vehicles throughout the video. The video starts off with a Russian Hind flying over the bay while firing its gatling gun. In the back ground, what appears to be two F-22 Raptors flying over the water in formation. Then a truck and hummer chase followed by an Abrams tank rolling through the city while an A-10 Warthog rains death upon a T-80 tank. To say the least, CoD has never had so many vehicles in one title. Call Of Duty has always given a little love to vehicles but no where near the level of romance between Battlefield and vehicle combat.
Since day one Battlefield games have been all about the vehicles and the freedom that comes with these vehicles. It is all about not being bound to the walls of the regular claustrophobic FPS maps of the old days and having the freedom to go where you want. Being able to drive a tank across an open field while your team mates fly over your head providing air support, this was something gamers were not used to. Battlefield 1942 brought epic land, air, and sea battles to the table and in a way that had never been seen before. Clicking a laser on a target to get an air strike brought in by some magical god is nice, but having a team mate across the entire map on the destroyer cannons land a perfect shot on the air field you targeted is so much more satisfying. It is hard not to miss the two hour long midway maps in BF1942.
Vehicles have passively become apart of Call Of Duty's multiplayer in the form of UAVs, air strikes and a little chopper action, but never on the scale in which a Battlefield game brings. It is unlikely that Modern Warfare 3 will feature large scale maps with vehicular combat like Battlefield but we will see. Maybe Call Of Duty is bringing out the big guns to compete with Battlefield 3. If anyone was to take the king of vehicle combat title from Battlefield it would be CoD. It is going to be an interesting struggle for power come this fall.
Brett Morris
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