Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hellgate London-Some Introspection

If I were doing real game articles I would include descriptions and opinions regarding pros and cons of the game engine and its stability. Playing through the entire game and writing one massive, all-encompassing article also does not suit me. If I had any clue as to a direction when I began writing this series of articles, I would have made it in the form of a journal; maybe update every 5-10 levels or day-by-day. Also, I would know more about my machine and record latency and fps levels at various points in the game; and there would be screenshots, lots of screenshots.

Unfortunately, I didn't have a plan when I started.

Maybe once I get a website up and running I'll reformat the articles into a journal, but that is still a ways off. But I intend to keep writing these as I progress regardless.

You see, this isn't about being a fan boy. It's simply about playing a game and having a good time with it. I'm not trying to convince anyone they should like it, but I hope new people or even older players who have left the game, might find a reason to come along and play. The company behind the game has some serious issues to contend with; issues that I'm not ready to get into myself yet since I'm not comfortable with the information yet, there is still more for me to research. But I can say that the game, in spite of the company's faults, is fun and playable.

I understand that the game is a far cry from what is was understood to have been in its beta form. It's unfortunate that so many things were either completely left out or changed for the finalized live version. But this series of articles isn't about that; it's about how I gave it a chance in spite of the reviews and found a pleasant experience in the playing of it. From my perspective, it's just an FPS with RPG elements and a social network.

Certainly, I would have jumped ship if I had played the beta and purchased the travesty that was in the box at launch; fortunately, I wasn't there for that. I am in the crowd of online gamers who cut their teeth on World of Warcraft. We got our fill and will likely never quit, however, we're looking for something else on the side. For its price and monthly, I believe that Hellgate London fulfills this need and my series of articles only serves to illustrate how it does this.

For the record, I welcome any critiques of my writing; I'm very rusty and could use some grammar refresher. And I want to thank the Hellgaters for linking to my two "reviews" so far; it's encouraging that a nobody like me can spark a little interest. Also, I don't get paid for these, EzineArticles.com does not pay for its content; my articles there are just an exercise to brush up on my grammar, vocabulary, and typing and to share my thoughts on things that interest me or catch my attention. I do have a blog but don't update it anymore; I have bigger plans to eventually host my own content and the blog was built just to see what it takes to do one.

Again, thanks for the interest, and I'll keep putting these articles up for you guys if you want to continue reading them.


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