APB is best described as an FPSMMO. Its release date is right around the corner and they have allowed an open beta to commence in order to give those who wish to see it, a taste of the game. This will be a subscription type game as most MMOs are and there will also be the initial cost of buying the game.
This game is undeniably trying to stand on its own feet as in independent MMO from all the rest. No Orcs, Elves or spells in this bad boy. Nothing but guns, gangs, and GTA style combat. The game is centered on the struggle between the two factions available in the game, The Enforcers and The Criminals. The simplest description of both is The Criminals cause the chaos of the city and the Enforcers are there to stop them, by any means. In other words, even though the Enforcers are the Cops and the "good guys" they really aren't all that good.
Most of the missions (at least the ones available in the beta) consist of The Enforcers trying to stop whatever mischief the Criminals are up to. It is extremely easy to get a quest going or jump into one already in progress. You can start your own group or join an open group. Most of the missions are randomly offered to you while running around; you can accept it and jump in or deny it and wait for another. It seems every couple of seconds a mission pops up so you won't feel like you have nothing to do.
In a game centered on PVP, you immediately worry about griefing and ganking. That is a mild concern as when you are off mission, you are not able to be shot or shoot anyone. There are exceptions such as when you are a criminal and you run over 1 to many pedestrians or commit too many crimes in front of witnesses, your Notoriety goes up, this is a meter of your noticed criminal activities, the higher it gets, the more chance you have enforcers dispatched during your missions. When it reaches 5, you instantly become a wanted criminal and are open game for everyone!
The fun factor of the missions is definitely high. Riding around in a car with your friends hanging out the window shooting at a car your chasing down, quite a thrill even after several times. If you like a GTA style FPS and MMOs than this game will appeal to you.
Some concerns are of course lag, that is a death sentence in an mmo. I did not have much trouble with my ping but the server was always pretty light on players, a full server may react different after release. There are also still many glitches I ran into, of course after time they will probably be fixed but certainly not before release. I was often able to hear people in the opposing faction talking rather than my own.
The last thing, but also a very big surprise and delight, is the amount of customization not only to your character, but to your own car and even the music. The attention to detail you can put into your vehicle and your character is amazing, I spent hours just painting my car and personalizing it. The higher ranks and more money you get, the more options you will have.
Overall I would say the game looks like it will be amazing, at least in the beginning. If the missions progress the same at higher ranks (same type of missions with better weapons) than it will certainly get old, but that remains to be seen. If they can fix the glitches and the other problems and still have time to add some content before people lose interest, I would say the game has a good chance of being a success.
Over the years, I have written on subjects that I find interesting and worth talking about. I have recently started a new website with information on Collapsible Water Bottle at Camelback Water Bottle.
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