Among players and developers, the industry of multiplayer video games is widely popular. There are many games that will be popular throughout the year 2010. There are a wide variety of multiplayer games that have different price ranges, themes and styles. The most popular multiplayer games have different genres which include first person shooters (FPS), Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPGs) and Real Time Strategy (RTS). Each genre has different popular MMORPGs. Different multiplayer games based on these genres can be found, not only for the computer but for gaming consoles as well.
The genre which has the most popular multiplayer games is massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game and it is the most profitable genre for gaming companies. Titles like Everquest, Warcraft, Start War Galaxies, Guild Wars and Matrix online are the popular multiplayer games that belong to this genre. These games attract a huge number of gamers throughout the world and normally gamers pay a monthly fee in order to play them online. However, the game which does not charge any fee is Guild Wars but it also boasts lower population of gamers as compared to other games. There are over 400,000 players who play Everquest and World of Warcraft claims to have six million players.
Another genre which can be played on the computer as well as on a console is first person shooters. The games which are considered to be popular in this genre are Battlefield 2, Counter Strike, Quake 4 and Halo 2. In this type of multiplayer game players compete with each other in MMORPGs such as capture the flag, etc. These games are normally set in a futuristic setting.
The multiplayer games which are popular in Real Time Strategy genre are Warcarft III, Lord of the Rings - battle for middle earth and Starcarft. In these types of games players usually control an entire army in order to compete against each other. There are a variety of troops and settings available in Warhammer titles which range from orcs to elves to space marines and alien monsters. These games are around for many years and continue to be among the most popular titles in 2010.
Apart from these bigger games there are small multiplayer games also like casino games, puzzle games, role playing, text based games etc. By paying some fee, gamers are able to play these games. Some online casino games allow free play but there are some games that offer real money betting.
The above mentioned games are the ones that are considered to be popular in 2010 and even in coming years. Some are free while for others, you have to pay some fees. These are just some of a number of different games available for both the console and personal computer. New games are also coming out on frequent basis.
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