Sunday, August 5, 2012

4 Steps To Enrich Your Entertaining Experience At Home Without Burning Your Pocket!

Here I will go through steps that I took to build up my own entertaining space at home. Notice that you don't have to take all of them, just do what you think is necessary with you and you'll be fine. OK, no more chat, we should dive straight to the point.

Step 1: Choose your place wisely

I meant it, choose your place wisely!

This first step is a very important step once you're aiming to build your own space of entertainment. It's best to take your own room as your play ground. But what if you don't have your own room? I know, it's a real problem. And I want to be honest that if you're in that situation, it's really tough to realize your dream...

A good isolated place will help you do 2 things. The first thing is to avoid disturbing others. And the other thing is to make you feel more relaxed. Why? Because you're the king/queen of your place!

Step 2: Choose your vehicles of entertainment wisely

What I mean by saying that?

I mean not everybody is hardcore FPS gamers. Not everybody likes hard rock from Linkin Park. And not everybody likes watching block-buster movies. They just like 'epic stuff' from the 80's.

You got me?

Every single person has his/her own passion. And they entertain themselves in different ways. That's why they choose different things when it comes to entertaining and relaxation.

If you're a gamer (like me), games would be your best match. FPS, strategy games, simulating games, online RPG, etc. You're a big fan of Linkin Park? Then it's time to rock! Where's your CDs? If you prefer watching movies, then go shopping and take home some block-busters!

Step 3: Choose your partners wisely

OK, this is not a 'must have,' but I think the party will be funnier if you have friends. Am I right?

If you're watching a football match, isn't it more funnier when you have a group of close friends watching it with you? If you're playing games, team games like Warcraft or Starcraft, wouldn't you be more confident when you're fighting alongside with your partners?

Believe me, this step is not a must, but if you can, give it a try. I swear it will be a real explosion!

Step 4: Choose your 'gears' wisely

Because they contribute hugely to your entertaining experience. And because they can burn your pocket without your notice!

OK, so what makes a good gear?

In my opinion, the biggest part of a home entertaining system is its sound system! Don't believe me? Then try creating some FPS games without your sound system!

You can have the best PC on the world, the best Internet connection, the best room to place them on, and the best partners around you. But if you don't have a decent speaker, it's not entertainment anymore!

And if I have one suggestion for you today, I would suggest you to take a look at my favorite speaker system. The M-Audio Studiophile AV 40. It's a widely known brand name, and it has been chosen by many. But before you taking out your hard-earned money to buy it, I suggest you look at my M-Audio Studiophile AV40 Review at

It will help you make the final decision the best way! There's no point to go broke first, right?

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