Monday, June 4, 2012

Gaming Laptops - Should I Go With Alienware Or Asus?

If you run a site or forum on gaming laptops, one of the most frequent questions will go something like this: "Which laptop is best for gaming, Alienware or ASUS?" Of course, the questioner is really asking which company or manufacturer makes the best gaming laptops - Alienware or ASUS? Simple question, but somewhat difficult to answer, especially when you have to consider all the factors influencing your choice of gaming notebook.

First, you must realize, Alienware is often considered to be THE superior maker of gaming laptops. It has a long reputation of producing top-notch machines, custom designed for gaming. Their rigs receive some great reviews, for example, PC Magazine picked the Sandy Bridge equipped Alienware M17x one of the top gaming laptops on the market. They also picked the M11x as one of the best small mobile gaming rigs you can purchase.

However, many gamers consider Alienware to be overpriced for what you get in these costly machines. They believe you're paying way too much for all that style and flash. You can get better value for your gaming buck by going with a lesser known name or maker such as ASUS. Why paid the big price tag if you can get the same for less?

Another somewhat negative point, since 2006 Alienware has been owned by Dell, which many gamers claim have poor customer support. If you should have a problem with your 2K or 3K gaming laptop... these critics say you're pretty much on your own when trying to fix the problem. While all this negative feedback may or may not be the true picture, it will probably influence your decision. But just remember, as with any product, when one person has a problem they tend to make the loudest noise, especially now that we have the Internet. For every one person who has had a negative experience, there are probably thousands of quietly satisfied customers.

Regardless of any negative comments, Alienware must be considered if you're looking for a superior gaming laptop. Just balance out all the pros and cons in your own mind, before you make the final decision. Of course, you must also consider other options or other gaming rigs such as those from the ASUS Republic of Gaming (ROG) laptops such as the ASUS G74SX-AH71 and the G74SX-DH73-3D. Solid machines that might not have the looks but definitely has the performance you need.

Great thing about ASUS, you get a quality product at a much cheaper price. In other words, you get more value for your gaming buck when going with an ASUS notebook. Often you can get higher specs or better graphics for the same price you would pay for an Alienware rig. You must carefully compare the two different makers and the specs you're getting for the price.

While one would like to believe your choice will be solely made on the gaming aspects or abilities of the machine in question. What resolutions can I play my games at? What are the frame rates (fps) of the laptop I am considering buying? How good are the visuals and sound quality? However, in the real world, there are many people who simply want all that flashy design, especially on their gaming rig. Sad to say, but many will make their decisions more based on the looks, rather than what's under the hood. Of course, there's no reasons why you can't have both, just make sure those flashy designs are backed up with solid gaming specs or performance.

One final important note, if you're buying your gaming laptop online, sometimes it is better to buy it from a third party merchant. Not only will get a great price, but you will have another re-course to fall back on if things do go horribly wrong with your purchase. Online merchants like Amazon have great customer service and good return/refund policy.

Lastly, regardless of whether you're choosing Alienware or ASUS, you should check online for any discount coupons or deals. Getting a few hundred dollars off that expensive gaming laptop will make a difference, especially if you're on a tight budget. Like always it does pay to shop around and compare the prices before you buy.

The author has a keen interest in all things laptop and runs an online Laptop Guide featuring the latest top gaming notebooks: best gaming laptops For the latest Alienware Coupons try here: alienware coupons Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.

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