Thursday, December 15, 2011

Why You Need Dedicated Ventrilo Game Servers With Full Control

The Internet has completely changed the way we play computer games and video games. It is no longer enough to play just on your own or call a few friends over. You can now join hundreds and thousands of gamers online to battle it out in anyway you want.

With the advent of modern MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) and other MMOs that include genres like FPS (First Person Shooters), RTS (Real Time Strategy) and racing, the internet has become the ultimate battle ground for gamers where they challenge each other and play their favorite games to the hilt.

While most of us have enjoyed the amazing features of online gaming, we are not always aware of what goes on in the background. The process of playing online games requires a game server to relay massive amounts of data between the several gaming clients that are connected to the system.

Usually, this server only relays 'sync data' which tells all the clients the exact locations and statuses of every active player on the server. Due to the limited resources of each server, there's usually a fixed number of players that can play on that server. Once that capacity has been reached, the server automatically denies all entry requests. Players then get a 'server full' message.

These servers need to be setup in a specific manner that varies according to each game. So if you are planning to play Counter Strike, you need to have the server-side client of Counter Strike running on the server. Only then can you invite players to log in to your server and play against the other players on your server.

Those who have experience in setting up game servers know how important it is to have complete control over the server to run a smooth and error free gaming environment. Think of it this way - if you did not have complete control over your PC, you would not be able to run the system the way you want to. The same thing goes for game servers.

Another important aspect of running a game server is enabling internal communication between players. This is of utmost importance to games that have tactical teams playing against each other. That is because the team members need to communicate within each other to be efficient. Since most of these games are really intense and fast-paced, hand typed messages just don't cut it.

This is the problem that Ventrilo has solved. This company has released a server side voice communication platform that has surround sound capabilities. Thus you and your fellow gamers can now communicate through voice chatting. Since the sound is in surround, it is also likely that you will realize where the person is by just listening.

So at the present moment, the ultimate game server is a reliable server that gives you full control, is cheap and offers you full Ventrilo features. If you are a serious gamer and want to set up your own server, get a Ventrilo game server ASAP!

Learn more about Ventrilo Rentals and Ventrilo Servers.

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