2009 has been a year to remember for Xbox 360 games. It is an extremely tough job to pick this year's top Xbox 360 game releases. Ask gamers in any setting about the top 10 Xbox 360 game releases of 2009, and you can hear words such as 'pawnzer', 'imba', 'insane' and many other colorful epithets as die hard gamers try to get their points across.
That still leaves us with the job to pick out the best two games releases of 2009 in terms of the Xbox 360 game deals. In an effort to help confused gamers who have been spoilt for choices this year, we have decided to rate two of the best games that have created the maximum number of battalions of teenage zombies this year.
1. Xbox 360 Assassin's Creed ii: This is the top Xbox 360 game release of the year. In fact, the game is such a smashing release that it can also be dubbed as the best game release of the year even if we widen the field and include other platforms. The graphics and rendering of the visuals in top Xbox 360 game has the potential to usher in a whole revolution in gaming. As is common with any rating system, there will always be gamers who argue that it is a sequel which by itself should disqualify its inclusion. More gamers will argue that its combat and acrobat systems are highly unforgiving and tough to handle. Even these 'unforgiving' gamers will accept that this game will be on the top 5 list from any perspective. In order to see the quality of the game and its game play modules, all a person needs to do is to log online and check out some of the videos that have been floating on the internet. Actually, the fact that the game is challenging makes it even more attractive as it helps a gamer become a part of the story line.
2. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: This game had to handle a whole enchilada of fans full of anticipation and dread that the sequel of Call of Duty Modern Warfare may end up disappointing. Even with the bar of expectations raised to incomparable levels, this game has delivered everything it was supposed to. This sequel of the earlier game, which by itself was considered to be one of the best for the genre of First Person shooter (FPS) games, has gone one step ahead in terms of twists and turns in the plot, user friendly interface, and the amount of intense action. What is even more important is that this game comes with an added feature known as the Special Ops mode which allows the player to coordinate with a friend within the campaign mode of the game. Add to this the aspect that the highly acclaimed multiplayer mode of Call of Duty Modern Warfare has been further tweaked and refined and we have a game that is expected to ruin the sleep of many parents for months to come.
See the Top 10 Xbox 360 chart, coming soon to Xbox 360 and cheap Xbox 360 game deals at the Game Stock Xbox 360 Sale
Hi, I'm Chip. I get to play games and help out in my spare time for Game Stock. Game Stock are a games retailer based in the UK.
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