Thursday, December 15, 2011

Test Video Games From Home - Get Paid!

If you are an avid video game player like myself who loves all kinds of games, whether they be FPS or RPG, then you no doubt would love to earn money playing games. I'll top that, even! I bet you would love even more being paid to test games FROM HOME! Just about every true gamer has dreamed about one day being paid to game, either by playing competitively or by testing games. There are companies out there who will pay you to receive a game and play it from the comfort of your own home, while you live up to your own end and report any bugs you may find. Then, after all is said and done, you get to keep the game. How much better could it possibly get?

The best part is you get to test whatever kind of games you enjoy the most, if you so choose. Of course, if you pick a very small genre, you will have a very small amount of games to test, but I don't think I need to lecture any gamer about widening their horizons! How could it be possible that you could score a job in ANY genre you choose though, in this highly competitive business? As of 2008, it was reported that the video game industry was worth an estimated 50 billion dollars, and it is expected to raise substantially in the following 2 years and onwards. There is a lot of companies out there, with a lot of money, looking for someone just like you to beta test their game!

I am not looking to fool anyone however! There may be a lot of companies and money floating around but there is also many gamers out there today. You need something to set yourself apart from the next gamer if you want to be chosen instead! I know just what you need - a contact in the business, someone who can help refer you to over 50 companies and help you get the job in whatever genre of your choosing. This also happens to be the best way to get your foot in the door of the video game industry, leading to a higher calling if you so choose!

So what are you waiting for? Visit Gaming Tester to learn more about this opportunity and start being paid to do something you would have already been doing anyhow for free likely!

Adam Huff
Gamer For Life!
Get Paid For Gaming

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